5 Ways to make your child interested in studying

Having kids learn is a task on its own that requires lots of patience. Every kid has their personality, and some kids are not interested in studies at all. That is why, as a parent, you need to make sure they realize not all their time is playtime, and learning is essential too. 

The following are tips that will help you motivate your child and make them eager to learn. 

1) Make it fun 

You can make the learning fun by adding different props and games to help the kid understand a particular topic. Game-based learning is an effective way to make your child interested in studying as they are entertaining and fun to play. 

You should also not scold or lecture your children as it will only make them reluctant to learn and avoid study time. Make their study time a fun and engaging experience. 

2) Have them read

Make it a routine to have them read every day. It can be storybooks or extracts from their textbooks. It will help them have a better vocabulary and improve their imagination with fascinating stories.

 If your child does not seem to take an interest, then there is no need to force, as you can read to them instead. Through your example, a child will develop an interest in reading by itself. 

All you need is to provide an atmosphere of reading. Just 20 minutes every day will be more than enough for your child. 

3) Reward them

To keep your child motivated, you can promise them their favourite snack after the end of the lesson. You can reward them with dessert or candy if they complete their homework on time and work properly. The reward can be anything your child likes to do or eat, depends on how you prefer it. 

This approach is not suitable for the long-term as they might grow out of it. 

4) Stay organized

Having a strict schedule and a proper study plan will help you and your child stay on track. It should include the duration and timings of studying and breaks. Children will not do it themselves unless there is a time set. If you burden them with teaching non-stop before an exam, they can become agitated and reluctant to learn. This routine will help them revise their homework and steadily improve their performance. 

5) Limit pressure 

Learning in a pressured environment can be difficult for your child. They might not find learning enjoyable or fun anymore. Encourage them in their area of interest and not force them to study. Every child is unique and has different interests. Providing a good learning environment will help your child learn more. 

Learning new things is not easy for a child. Be kind and encouraging for their efforts, and don’t ridicule your child for not getting things right.

Final words

Remember that patience is the key. Children can be rebellious and can give you a hard time with their studies, but you must realize it is your job to guide them that requires patience. Take things one at a time and slowly guide them towards improvement. Success does not arrive overnight.